Saturday, 24 January 2015

Democracy Damned

Pakistan's recent experience with democracy has rather been exercise in vain and fruits of democracy have turned  sour and tasteless.  The country's political elite has shown continuous indifference and ineptness to resolve public issues and provide democratic dividend to masses at large. The authoritarian leadership, rubber stamp parliament has never attended to public miseries be it terrorism, energy crisis, gas shortages, security challenges, petrol shortages and other core issues of education, health have been badly ignored. The country is being run on the family lines where it only matters whether you are kith and kin of any politico regardless of merit and required skills per-requisite to fill any position.

The Democracy in any part of world have three essential ingredients. They are elections, accountability and responsiveness. It is fear of free and fair elections and sheer accountability which sensitize the politicos, and in turn they shown sensitivity  to the core issues of their electorate. The root of evil is that elections in the country since 1971 have been massively rigged and have been arranged to accommodate the paupers who otherwise don't stand chance even in local elections. The fraudulent politicos invest heavily in their election campaigns, manage the election day staff and do massive irregularities to ensure they are crowned with success. Once they take over the journey of returning back the favors begin to unleash and resources of country's are plundered to earn kick back and commissions. They neither are accountable to anyone nor any system is placed to checkmate their rampant corruption and inaction. The vision of these politicos is rather bizarre and limited to themselves. They never anticipate or nor want to preempt any issue pertaining to poor Janta. They break the records of poor governance and policy failures.

 The misadventures of political elite has rather cursed the democracy and people are questioning whether this system of rich, for the rich and by the rich has anything to do with their compounding miseries. The country is undergoing agonizing economic challenges, security risks and leaping forward as a failed state. The country would only go from bad to worst under the leadership of current folks who are only interested to fatten their already overweight bellies and fill their unending pockets.  The country is in complete quagmire and jinx and caught in the catch 22 situation. The people want  fixation of their ailing problems and in process want initiation of reforms which  ensure transparency of elections, realignment of economic woes, provision of civic necessities and improvement in human development index.

 The time is ripe to address the grievances failing to do so will create anarchy and alienation towards trailed and tested system. The only beacon of hope in this long tunnel of darkness is that 60% population of Pakistan comprises of youth who are  more mobile and urbanized thus giving them enough sense to raise the voices of dissent against political discourse and seek practical solutions not mere slogans. Its better if system is rectified and refined otherwise it is destined and damned for eternal abode.